Friday, July 18, 2008

What Every Job-Seeker Needs To Know

Did you get it?

The thing every job-seeker needs auto insurance rate know is not contained in any of the strategic packages offered on the web site linked below. Rather, it's contained in the concise quote at the top of the page.

"Show an employer a compelling reason WHY they should hire you and they will."

When a prospective employer has a compelling reason to hire Ants in the Pants then and only then will you be hired.

This turns many traditional approaches to job-hunting and interviewing on their head. Does an employer really care whether you went to Big Impressive University or to Tinkertoy Tech? Does your GPA, your salary history, or the firmness of your Student loan consolidation rates really matter?

I suggest that they do not, and the only reason these issues come up at all during an interview is because of what is commonly called CYA. If you turn out to be a loser, the person who made the hiring decision does not want to be held accountable. How was I supposed to know? He had a great resume and great interviewing skills. His references all checked out. How could I know he wasn't a good fit for the job?

How, indeed! Your biggest boo-boo, the reason you say you left your last job (or are looking around) and 90% of the other stuff discussed during the hiring process have NOTHING TO DO with what you will do for them. And most of the stuff discussed is why do you want to work for us? and what would you like to be doing in five years?

Look at your best answers to the questions and then ask, what in my answer will COMPEL these people to hire me?

Some of the people who are interviewing are rudderless. As I said, they are simply covering their own backsides ... just in case.

The decision to center your job search on the employer's needs creates the need for a new strategy. Once you understand that it's the employer's needs and the company's direction that are important, and not your skills, work history, education, or even your desperate need for a job, THEN (and only then) will the strategies offered here be of any use to you, or even make sense.

An expert really doesn't need a resume. All he needs is his reputation as an expert. Once he moves into the arena of his expertise, HE IS IN CONTROL. People with problems come to Arkansas Lemon Laws with their checkbooks 'at the ready.' He solves problems, and he gets paid. He doesn't walk around with his hat in his hand, or with a sign saying Please hire me. He doesn't have to.

So ... what is YOUR area of expertise? And are you ready to use your expertise strategically to get your dream job?

The author is a transition and self esteem coach living in Raleigh, North-Carolina. Visit www.transitioncoachingforall.com for additional resources.

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