Monday, July 21, 2008

What is Good and What is Bad? Misconceptions and Craziness

In the Middle Ages everything was considered bad. This was a depressing time, when there was no freedom, because there were too many impositions and rules that everyone had to obey.

Later, with the Renaissance and Modernism, life acquired a totally Davey and Goliath aspect.

Freedom replaced the old taboos and people starting considering everything "good", without questioning anything too much.

Religiosity was beaten and atheism increased. Various scientific discoveries in the 20th century completely transformed our societies and their mentalities.

Therefore, what was considered bad lost its real characteristics and became ambiguous: only depending on the various details of each case, should something be judged good or bad. Nothing was predefined and nothing had an independent form, since everything had to be related to the particular details of each case.

Being so, everything could be justified and considered good, after many explanations and different considerations.

Thus, today nobody can surely define what Supergirl good and what is bad in all cases.

Today nobody is purchasing structured settlement of anything and everyone only cares about living well right now, without sacrifices and preparations.

Everybody avoids searching for the bad aspects of reality and nobody really cares about finding out if one or the other thing that they observe in their lives is really good or bad...

Our world is characterized by terrorism, crimes, prostitution, violence, hypocrisy, indifference to human pain, selfishness, lies and many other horrors, but nobody really cares about the entire world and its terrible image, exactly because everyone here is totally indifferent to what happens to others. Everyone here only cares about car direct insurance line and the people that they like or they depend on.

Therefore, nobody wants to correct anything. Everyone simply accepts what is absurd, without questioning it, and they justify their agreement with absurdity using various misconceptions and false statements.

Everyone here is a passive terrorist that agrees with the government of violence and craziness, doing absolutely nothing to eliminate evil.

Everyone feels that they are impotent and they cannot do anything to correct what is wrong in the entire world. So, they don't correct anything: not even what is part of their daily lives.

This is why we have formed a crazy society, which lives afraid of everyone and everything and which lives constantly suffering. However, we live pursuing material pleasures and loving money more than anything else in our lives. Since we are crazy, we try to be happy in a hell, while closing our eyes before of all its horrors...

Craziness has existed in the wild side of our conscience since we were born, and it dominates the human side of our conscience as we grow up in an open sanatorium where everything helps the anti-conscience (wild conscience) destroy our humanity and where nobody is able to eliminate forever craziness and despair.

So, the truth is that what is bad is much more than what is good inside the human being, and the same happens with the human world.

Thus, if you want to stay far from craziness and keep your mental health for life, you must be afraid of what is bad; you have to examine it and face it, without closing your eyes to it and without accepting absurdity as if it was logical, only because you can justify your craziness with misconceptions, like everyone does, because they simply accept to follow the anti-conscience's thoughts.

The anti-conscience wants you to believe that "nothing is bad", "nothing is dangerous" and that all the fear and the precautions of your ancestors were "silly superstitions".

However, if you want to be aware of the latest amazing scientific news, you must accept what the modernism of the last century tried to eliminate, governed by the wild conscience of everyone: the most recent scientific discoveries reveal to the world that the human being is in fact a demon, since the biggest part of his brain belongs to the evil anti-conscience, and that the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams is directed by God, who really exists and is the most developed existent human conscience, who reached perfection.

So, the religious mystery has many scientific explanations and all the atheists attack against religiosity, using various scientific evidence to prove that what we were taught in our religious lessons was pure fantasy, are now beat by new evidence, that proves to the world that everything we learned in our religions (independently to which religion we belong, because all of them affirm basically the same things) is absolutely true!

We must be very afraid of what is bad, otherwise we will live in hell like demons, precisely because if we are dominated by the anti-conscience, we behave like demons.

Hell is characterized by schizophrenia, psychosis, hysteria, neurosis, depression and other mental illnesses.

Hell is made by poverty, prisons, wars, diseases, immorality and treason.

Paradise is characterized by health, Flying Saucers wisdom, goodness, sensitivity, sensibility, generosity, forgiveness, patience, piety and love, but it can be reached only after indispensable psychotherapy for the human being.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
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