Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 E-Gold Card Tips

Many people (myself included) depend on e-gold cards to turn their online earnings Green Lantern cash. Be it because auto insurance estimates are heavily into e-gold based programs, or because their country of residence makes receiving a simple payment from overseas extremely difficult, or even because they love the concept of e-gold, having a reliable e-gold card is very important. If mesothelioma cure are one of such people, listen up, I have a few tips for you:

1. Look around the web (forums are particularly useful) to see what other people think of that e-gold card supplier. Don't just go throwing money at the first page you see that offers them for sale. Make sure the comments are recent too, sometimes a supplier provides good service only to vanish for whatever reason.

2.Decide if you want an e-gold mastercard, e-gold visa card, or just a vanila atm card. Visa/Mastercards are really hard to find, but they do exist. More easy to home remortgage are virtual cards, which allow you to shop online and so forth, but don't include an actual physical card. An e-gold debit card is also fairly easy to find.

3.Accept that you might need to send the card company identity documents and make sure you have suitable ones. Anonymous cards are hard to find, but they do sometimes pop up. Problem is, they vanish very, very quickly and are unlikely to refund your balance when they do.

4.Never rely on a single card company. I have made this mistake several times, and been cut off from all my money for months at a time before I managed to get a replacement. Several times I thought I had found the holy grail of e-gold card programmes, only to have it crash and take me down with it.

5.Careful who you send your ID documents to. They might get stolen and used in such a way that gets you into trouble.

Ignore these tips at your own peril!

For my current top recommendation of myegoldcard.come-gold card, check my website

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