Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Build A Hydrogen Generator

Reduce your expenses and simultaneously help meridia diet pill environmentalists. That is the benefit of the Hydrogen Generator which has often been thought as a cleaner substitute for petroleum, which will revolutionize the entire automobile industry across the world and the put an end to the everyday tension on petrol prices, rather hike in petrol prices, to be more precise.

The result of the hydrogen generator is immense. Not only does it produce water on combustion which means absolutely no pollution at all but also enhances the gas mileage.

A hydrogen generator is already in use in laboratories for the supply of high purity hydrogen. The hydrogen generated from this of Kansas Lemon Laws purity. They are small in size and weight generally occupying 1-2 square feet of bench and weighing 30-60 lbs. Few hydrogen generators Spider-Man the addition of caustic solution to produce hydrogen gas but most others require only de-ionized or distilled water. Generators that use only water are more desirable as they reduce the risks of handling more chemical substances. A hydrogen generator should be constructed with care with proper leak detectors as hydrogen is highly inflammable.

We can easily make a hydrogen generator at our homes; the procedure for which is given below. It is this concept that scientists want to apply in the manufacture of cars that would be fuelled by hydrogen.

Things needed: Scissors, Bottles, Knife, Carpenter pencil, Telephone wire, hot mortgages loans glue gun, tubing, electrodes, Valve

Step1: Cut the top off a 2 liter plastic bottle and the bottoms off of two 20 ounce plastic bottles using a pair of scissors. Cut the larger bottle enough so that the two smaller bottles fit comfortably inside of it. Be sure to retain the screw on caps form the bottles.

Step2: Use a sharp utility knife to carefully cut away the wooden casing of the pencil leaving you with just the carbon graphite lead shaft. Break the lead into two separate but equal pieces using your knife.

Step3: Remove the approximately inch of insulation from two 12 inch telephone wires using a stripping pliers before removing 2 more inches of insulation from the opposite ends.

Step4: Wrap the exposed copper from the telephone wire at the 2 inch end around the ends of the pencil lead and secure in place with a little hot glue.

Step5: Use a drill to drill holes into the center of the two small pop bottle caps and attach a 24-inch long piece of plastic aquarium tubing. Secure in place by placing a little hot glue around both the inside and outside hole perimeter. Once dry, replace the caps onto the bottles by screwing into place.

Step6: Place electrodes with wire attached in the bottom side of the two small pop bottles using hot glue to secure it in place. Put the small bottles inside the large pop bottle and hot glue in place so they cannot move.

Step7: Place an aquarium 2 to 1 mixer value into the free ends of the tubing before connecting to the wires from the electrodes to the correct terminals on a 12-volt battery. It may be an idea to label the positive wire "Anode Oxygen" and the negative wire "Cathode Hydrogen."

If the above model can be utilized in automobiles then major global issues like Global warming, fast depleting exhaustible sources of energy (Fossil fuels) can be addressed.

To find out more about using water to run your car and get a free question and answer report please visit

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