Friday, August 29, 2008

Run Your Car on Water Scam - The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Finally, the run your car on water scam is about to be exposed. Haven't you heard that if something sounded too good to be true it probably was? You have to know that you cannot mix water and oil (or gas for that matter). Don't you think if vehicle makers could do this, wouldn't they? Now I intend to fully expose the run your car on water scam.

Here are the cold truths. First, you cannot mix water as a liquid with gasoline as a liquid. Secondly, car makers cannot profit from this technology, so they refuse to embrace it. Three, all this being said, I hate to inform you that the run your car on water scam, is not a scam. This is not just a possibility in the future, it is being accomplished by thousands of people all over the globe.

Let us go in order. Water and gas do not mix. This is true, however your car does not burn gasoline in a liquid state. It is vaporized and the fumes are what ignites. When you mix hydrogen gas with gasoline fumes it burns hotter and cleaner and more efficiently than gas and air.

Why haven't car makers used this technology? The answer may be simple greed. Every auto manufacturer patents how their motors work. This science was registered as public domain more than 9 decades ago. So, car makers cannot patent it or include it in a patented device. The bottom line is they cannot profit from it so they refuse to utilize the technology available to them. They Aquaman prefer you use their engine the way it was designed to only be 25 percent efficient.They would rather you use their motor like it is, only 25% efficient.

I have read the reviews from physicists and mathematicians that state anything that shows you how to run your car on water is a scam. Their claims are based on the fact that the system uses more energy than it creates. They are right, but it doesn't matter, it uses energy that is being wasted.

Your car is creating more electricity than it uses, this is what powers the device. You car has multiple systems like this. Take your radiator for instance. It wastes almost all of the energy from the air going past it. It uses the cooling capacity of less than 1% of the air. Irregardless of how inefficient it is, try not using it and student loan consolidations what happens. The run your car on water scam uses electricity and Neoevjfqh that is wasted from your cars electrical system.

If the so called experts would only try installing the device rather than scream scam. Remember it was readily accepted that no human could run a mile in under four minutes. They were uninformed. It was also widely held that if a person went faster than the speed of sound they would perish. Again, they were very incorrect.

I will reveal one issue no one will tell you about the run your car on water scam. Almost twenty thousand sets of instructions have been sold with a no questions asked 60 day money back guarantee in over 50 different countries. Care to guess what the refund rate is on the most popular book, which is also the most expensive ($97)run your car on water scam? LESS than one percent. So are the 99% wrong or did the other 1% just not want to be bothered? You can find no less than 20 knock offs that sell for $49 but the refund rate is extremely high. Sometimes it is better to pay a little more and get what you want, than pay a little less and make a mistake.

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To find out more on How to Run Your Car On Water click here.

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