Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Top Motivational Speakers - 5 Most Popular Today

There are thousands of people who work as motivational speakers, each offering a unique take on the principles that they speak about, because each motivational speaker has a unique history, and draws from individual experiences in order to shape the way that they speak and motivate. Some motivational speakers are more popular than others, either because they have something more poignant to say, or because they have stared adversity in the face in order to achieve the goals they speak about. When choosing a motivational speaker for your Romanian Cuisine choosing one of the most five most popular speakers is typically the first lowest insurance rates to consider.

Yossi Ghinsberg -- Yossi Ghinsberg behaves as a nomad, constantly Spiderman the world in order to search for work and for personal explorations. Yossi was raised in Israel, and served three years on the Red Sea in the Israeli Army, which is where he befriended the Bedouins of the Sinai Desert, which greatly influenced him with their nomadic lifestyle and moral philosophy. Yossi Ghinsberg originally published his book "Heart of the Amazon" in the year of 1986, and it quickly became an international best seller, as it describes his soaring journey in South America. Yossi Ghinsberg released a book called "Glimpses" in the year of 2006, and has developed a great interest in conflict resolution on a global level, and a personal level as well.

James Ray -- James Ray has devoted more than twenty years to studying various success factors, and speaks in order to share these strategies with audiences in order to help them accelerate their results Soul it comes to team performance, service, sales and personal achievement. There is no doubt that James Ray is an expert when it comes to the science of success. James Ray uses public speaking to share the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset when it comes to creating lasting success in today's business market. James Ray owns a company called James Ray International, and the company is committed to igniting the entrepreneurial spirit in order to help both individuals and organizations accelerate the growth of their businesses. He is a major contributor in the best selling phenomena "The Secret".

Amanda Gore -- Amanda Gore is a motivational speaker who has developed the unique ability to inform while simultaneously managing to involve and to entertain as well. Amanda Gore is an energetic and funny motivational speaker who is an absolute master when it comes to group dynamics. Amanda Gore can ignite a group into conversation, so if you are looking for a way to get your group to connect to one another, Amanda Gore can make it happen.

Pat Croce -- Pat Croce is an international karate champion, partial owner of the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team, a best selling author, a motivational speaker, and a trainer who has become a businessman, striving to prove that just about anyone can experience a total rags to riches turn around. Pat Croce was the first person to climb out of the training room and into the board room of a professional sports team, which is easily defined as one of the most amazing of all sports history stories. Pat Croce is a nationally renowned motivational speaker who shares his story in order to show that absolutely anyone can have their dreams come true.

Keith Harrell -- Keith Harrell is a former marketing executive for the IBM Corporation, and has more than thirteen years of corporate experience as one of IBM's top training instructors. Keith Harrell travels all across the world in other to impact the lives of his clients on both a professional and personal level. Keith Harrell works as an author, a consultant, a trainer and a speaker, and is highly recognized for the enlightening and innovative presentations that he makes in order to share his ideas with other business owners.

2007 RightNow Communications">Yossi Ghinsberg Video">Motivational Speakers Blog">Motivational Speakers

Brooks International Speakers Bureau
763 Santa Fe Drive,
Denver, CO 80204
PHONE: 303.825.8700
FAX: 303.825.8701

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