Sunday, August 31, 2008

Workplace Violence - 10 Steps to Prepare for & Manage a Crisis

Step #1: Assemble a Crisis Management Team ... including:

Step #2: Create a Crisis Management Plan

The plan should address: team members Srewsegmpium roles ... policy ... communication, logistics, and recovery plans ... and a public relations plan. Include detailed procedures -- supported by training and rehearsal -- specifying who does what and when. For example:

Step #3: Establish a Violence-Protection Policy

Step #4: Train Managers and Employees

Employees training should cover:

Managers training should cover all of the above, plus:

Step #5: Use Proper Employee-Selection Techniques

A hiring process -- which screens out the potentially violent or unstable -- is an organization's first line of defense. This should include:

Step #6: Standardize Discipline & Termination Procedures

Discipline and termination should always preserve the involved employees' dignity. These should be handled or controlled by an objective third party such as HR.

Include the tactful and safe handling of high-risk employees and situations. Whenever there is the slightest concern about a terminated employee becoming volatile:

When terminating a contract employee, confirm that the contract agency has effectively communicated termination. Otherwise, assume full responsibility for doing so, safely.

Step #7: Recognize Signs of Trouble ... and Ensure They Are Reported

Constantly stay on the alert for the warning signs and triggering events. Establish and communicate reporting and tracking processes:

Step #8: Investigate All Threats, Complaints and Red Flags

Take all specific threats seriously ... and find out more about vague threats. Pull together your Crisis Management Team to investigate and interview:

Step #9: Take Appropriate Action

Step #10: Deal with the Aftermath

The Grimmes conduct customized onsite training workshops and large group presentations for organizations in every sector of the economy. Their groundbreaking book on managing people in today's workplace will be published by IRS tax lawyer in the second half of 2008. Visit their main website at"> and topic-specific"> ... and read issues of their own e-newsletter at">

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