Friday, September 5, 2008

Space Weather is the Cause of Climate Heating - Not Global Warming Theories

We have all been hearing about the gloom asp website hosting of Global Warming. Although I am definitely not a believer nor is anyone in our Think Tank after reviewing all the data, I still would like to see humans cut their pollution a bit, as it is just wasteful, inconsiderate and not very Banana Splits to pollute when you clearly do not have to.

About now 85% of the population will tell me that I do not know what I am talking about and that Global Warming is real and Al Gore proved it. Well, would you like a bit of proof to consider? Have you ever heard of space weather homeowner loans solar flares? Here is a short excerpt of what is to come, but it has nothing to do with carbon emissions:

Space Weather News for Jan. 4, 2008

"Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of a reversed-polarity sunspot to signal the start of the next solar cycle. The wait is over. A Humberto9 reversed, high-latitude sunspot emerged today. This marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24 and the first step toward a new solar maximum. Intense solar activity won't begin right away. Solar cycles usually take a few years to build from solar minimum (where we are now) to Solar Max (expected in 2011 or 2012). It's a slow journey, but we're on our way!"

What does this all mean to you and I and our families, water supplies, drought challenges and harsh weather? It means things in the next six years will get worse, not better, but it also means it has very little to do with mankind's CO2 emissions. It has much more to do about the naturally occurring solar cycles and solar flares. Something to contemplate in 2008.

Learn more about how space weather affects the weather here on Earth and why much of the weather we consider anomalies, can be perfectly explained when monitoring the space weather:

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